• News
  • 2 September, 2011

Why did you choose the Smartphone you chose?

I am in the middle of fleshing out my follow-up article for Apple, Google and an 800 pound Gorilla. While writing, I started to realize that many of the opinions I hold and the opinions of those that commented were viewed from only one side, Google’s side to be more specific. Not only that, but as most of us here at this site, and others from technology blogs that have responded to my original post, all view things from a geeks perspective. We don’t mind getting our hands dirty, we don’t mind searching for and adding 3rd party apps into the mix, let alone custom ROMs, to make up for any shortcomings we come across. Your average user more than likely does mind.

I think that for me or anyone for that matter,  to give any sort of honest, informed opinion on any possible needed changes to Android, I would need to know why a consumer would choose the competition over it, from a first hand account. I know that a few of you in the comments stated you have both devices, but lets face it you’re a gadget geek so your reasoning is obviously skewed as well.

I would obviously like to hear from as many people as possible. The problem is that this is a pretty Android centric site. That is where you the reader comes in. I need you guys & Girls to help us get this page and the following questions out there, in as many ways as possible, be Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, G+, submissions to other blogs, email, IM, Pony Express or whatever else you can come up with. I know a good deal of us have friends that fit into one of the categories below. Id like to hear from them. They do not need to give any sort of long form explanation, I just need to know the basic idea of why they chose what they chose or planning on choosing.

If those that do come here to leave an answer and fill out the poll could also send out this page that would be great! I would really like to get as many opinions as I possibly can.

Yea I’m begging, what of it? It’s not like it’s beneath me or something.  :ºP


Please leave a comment on one of the following:

-If you own an iPhone, please let me know why you chose it over an Android/Google phone. What would it take for you to be swayed away from Apple? IE what would Google need to change in the platform for you to consider a switch?

-If you own a Blackberry and are thinking of making a switch, what are going to be some of the deciding factors of your choice in platform? Likewise if you own a blackberry and are not thinking of making a switch to Android, Microsoft or Apple, why is that? What would need to be changed to move away from your crackberry?

-If you choose Microsoft’s new WM7 platform what influenced your decision to do so?

-If you still rock a standard cellphone, what aspects would sway your decision in choosing any of the smartphone platforms available?


You can choose as many entries in the poll as you like, but to give us a better idea of your decision-making please choose the ones that are most important to you.

[poll id=”23″]