
What To Do If You’re Late For A Plane And You Can’t Save Your Game, FreddieW Style

late for a planeWe’ve all been there: sitting in the airport lounge playing games on our smartphones to pass the time till boarding starts. Suddenly, you realise that you’ve been so absorbed in your game that you’ve missed repeated announcements that your boarding gate has changed and you are now late for a plane. Of course, the dilemma is: do you pause the game or do you try to play on the way to the gate? Well, if you’re anything like famous YouTuber, freddiew, and you’re on track to beat a global high score in a (totally fictitious) game, it might not be as easy as just pausing your game. It never is… Check out the video:

While this probably isn’t going to happen to all of us, particularly the bit where you make use of a stunt double to jump over people, it’s a bit of a funny look at what could happen if we don’t give up playing our games at the airport.

Particularly in this festive season, we know many of you will be travelling to and from loved ones, so we wish you the safest of journeys to all of you. And if you do need to do something risky, hire a stunt double.

Source: YouTube