
YouTube Enhancing Mobile Site

In only three short years, YouTube’s mobile site has grown to more than 100 million video playbacks a day. That’s a huge number, and YouTube is making improvements so your video viewing habits are more enjoyable.

In addition to making the mobile site faster, YouTube is also adding in other features like touch-friendly elements for easier playback, search options, playlists, and sharing. YouTube also makes it clear they’re working toward a seamless experience from computers to mobile devices:

As we make improvements to, you’ll see them quickly follow on our mobile site, unlike native apps which are not updated as frequently.

Does this mean the YouTube app is going away? I don’t think so. The YouTube app isn’t going anywhere, but YouTube is making it clear the mobile site is the place to go for the best experience no matter what phone you may have. The enhanced mobile site is launching as English-only, but additional languages will become available in the coming months. If you want to see a demo of the new interface, watch the video below.

Source: YouTube Blog