
Android fisticuffs…FUN!

Six Android handsets enter, One handset leaves. Yes, that was a Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome reference, so?  😛

Meet the contenders (clockwise above): MyTouch 3G, HTC Hero, Motorola Milestone/Droid, Acer Liquid, Nexus One, and the Samsung Galaxy.

These six handsets were forced into a battle of display quality by the guys over at AndroidHD. And I have to agree with Engadget, the very appropriately named Nexus One looks like the #1 to me. It’s got that 3.7-inch AMOLED display and 800 x 480 pixel resolution and it’s kicking ass and taking names. Engadget is also right when they say the N1 display is a little on the red side and if you own one, you’ve seen that very bright (okay, it’s hideous) orange and you know what I mean. But it stills beats out the other five handsets on clarity and I’d rather see slightly more pinkish people than smurfs. Anyway, check out the video for yourself and let me know who you think the winner is. 😉

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Source: Engadget, AndroidHD