• News
  • 2 November, 2010

Android OS Filled With Security Holes?

Coverity, a security firm based out of San Francisco, California, has taken it upon themselves to reveal the security holes that lie within the Android operating system. Using an HTC Incredible, they found .47 defects for every 1,000 lines of code. Usually its 1 for every 1,000 lines of code. All together Coverity, found a total of 359 defects in our beloved Android os.

They used automated analysis of the source code to identify the flaws. The HTC Incredible, which was only used for convenience, is not the only device with flaws. The company is saying that due to the similarity of the chipsets these flaws are somewhat identical throughout all devices. Even though they found these security flaws, they are still saying that this is one of the best open source projects.

Details of this finding are only being released to the Android Security Team, and OEMs and security researchers, in hopes they find fixes. Otherwise the rest of us will know in 60 days when the company releases their findings.

Source The Register, Phandroid

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