
Could this be a box full of the new Moto 360?

The Motorola Moto 360 is the top-selling Android Wear smartwatch and one of the most popular smartwatches to date. Of course, being the first iteration, there are a few niggling issues that have been pointed out by critics and consumers alike, ones we’re hoping Motorola address in the new Moto 360. And what might that new Moto 360 look like? Well, it might just look a little like this:

new moto 360The photo above was allegedly taken by Lenovo CEO Yang Yuanqing (and has since been taken down), and you can tell that it isn’t the existing Moto 360 thanks to the positioning of the button which is rotated slightly higher. Other things to note in the photo include the addition of external lugs – the watch bands of the original Moto 360 were notoriously fiddly to change due to the fact they had to be fitted inside and under the watch. And by far the biggest annoyance for many with the original Moto 360 is the ambient light sensor – or more colloquially, the part that makes it look like a “flat tire”. Unfortunately, that part of the device is still present, which probably means Motorola still thinks there is value in having it around.

What do you think about the new Moto 360? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: MyDrivers via Phandroid