• News
  • 10 November, 2010

Darth Vader Seeks The Droid R2-D2 But Stumbles On The Samsung Galaxy S [Video]

Don’t you just love Japanese ads sometimes? They can be funny, creative, and sometimes they make you wonder.

This open-ended Docomo ad is one that certainly makes you fill in the blanks. The meaning is not exactly clear what this puzzling ad implies. Well, just take a look.

Here are my thoughts on it. Maybe it implies Android devices come with such a high concentration of midi-chlorians that, practically speaking, you unleash the power of the Force wherever you go. Considering what Android devices can do, I think that’s true to some extent, don’t you? I guess in the case of the Samsung Galaxy S, there is a great disturbance in the Force.

Irregardless of what this might mean, I thought it was an ad of epic proportions. Overall, I enjoyed it. Besides, how many devices can boast of a Darth Vader endorsement?

Well, if you ever wondered if Darth Vader can browse the web from inside his helmet then the answer is quite obvious now. How else does he do it? Duh!

Any other implications? Let’s hear them.

Source: YouTube