
Dell Mini 5 aiming to be mighty

First it was the Haleron, then the Entourage Edge, now the Dell Mini. It’s a tablet-stravagana!

New information about the Mini 5 tablet/smartphone from Dell has been revealed on Friday thanks to a comprehensive interview. Speaking to Laptop in a Thursday article, Neeraj Choubey, the general manager of tablets in Dell’s Communications Solutions Group, said the company is working with AT&T on offering the Mini 5 to customers. Choubey also revealed users will have access to the Android Market, just like a more conventional Android-powered smarpthone.

The tablet is otherwise unique in that it will have a front-facing webcam that will allow for video calling. Choubey envisions the Mini 5 can comfortably eliminate the need for other portable electronics devices such as navigators, cellphones, MIDs and small video cameras. We’re all used to our smartphones being able to do these but with a limited quality, but I get the feeling Dell is implying that they’re going to be raising the bar.

Compared to the iPad’s target market, Choubey reckons the Mini 5 will appeal to “a more tech-savvy generation of people” who want a convergent device; to that end, Dell will also be doing something with synchronized content.  No full details on that, but it sounds as though Dell will be pushing some sort of cloud-based sync that formats content depending on the device you’re using to view it:

“If I bought something from Amazon store on my tablet and I downloaded it, why should I have to choose my tablet over my netbook? When I was at Yahoo they always talked about your content, your way, when you want it, how you want it. It’s something that everyone in the mobile space has embraced. You shouldn’t have to make decisions based on where your content is.” Neeraj Choubey, Dell

As for stylus input – something we puzzled over earlier – Choubey seems to hint that Dell might use new transparent conductor resistive panels over capacitive technology in future tablet models, which support multitouch finger-input and stylus control with high-resolution accuracy.

You can see video of the Dell Mini in action over at Slashgear.

[SOURCE Slashgear, Electronista]