
EA And DICE Working On Battlefield Game For Mobile Platform, Possibly Using Frostbite Go

battlefield game for mobileWe learnt in May that the Frostbite team, the guys behind the Battlefield 4 PC game engine, have also been working on a game engine for mobile called Frostbite Go. Since then, we’ve had no word one what this engine would actually be used for, until now. In an interview with EA’s Labels president, Frank Gibeau, he says that they “are working on a mobile game of Battlefield that will be high-end and high-performance”, and it’s extremely likely that the mobile game engine of choice will be Frostbite Go.

This is a truly exciting development as EA and DICE‘s Battlefield franchise is iconic on the PC platform and given the success of games like the Modern Combat series by Gameloft, it’s not hard to imagine that something special will come of this and do very well on mobile platforms when the time comes. They know they have a challenge on their hands, though, as Gibeau says “It’s our bet that we can successfully pull that off. But we’re embarking on something no one has ever done before”.

And for their, and our sakes, I hope they succeed. Who else would be excited to see a Battlefield game for mobile? Let us know what you think in the comments.

Source: The New York Times via Games Industry International