
Futurama: Game of Drones brings back iconic franchise in new mobile game

For many, the iconic cartoon Futurama was cancelled much earlier than they would have preferred, but thankfully, the TV show is going to be coming back for a brief cameo as a mobile game. Announced by Wooga and Fox Digital Entertainment yesterday, Futurama: Game of Drones sounds like it’s going to involve puzzles as well as an original storyline that has headlining writers such as Dave Grossman (Secret of Monkey Island),  Jonathon Myers (Game of Thrones: Ascent) and Patric M. Verrone, one of the original writers of Futurama.

Futurama: Game of DronesFrankly, I’m just relieved that Futurama: Game of Drones isn’t going to be another Simpsons: Tapped Out clone, i.e. the path the Family Guy game went down. Here’s the premise of the game as explained in the press release:

“Futurama: Game of Drones takes players on a journey with the Planet Express crew as they fight a desperately imbalanced trade war against longtime shipping rival MomCo. While delivering dangerous cargo to hazardous locations under ill-advised circumstances, players connect groups of delivery drones to solve an array of fiendish puzzles as they venture into iconic environments from the FUTURAMA universe.”

No word on an expected delivery time for the game, but we’re assuming it’s well on its way by now. What do you think about Futurama: Game of Drones?

Source: Wooga via TalkAndroid