
Gmail Updates and the Themers Get to Work – Blacked Out Gmail Now Available

I shouldn’t have to tell you guys how much I enjoy blacked out version of apps I use on a daily basis. From G+ to Twitter, if it can go dark, I have it installed. Just last night Google pushed an update out for GMail. It included a good amount of improvements –

What’s in this version:
-Save bandwidth and battery by only syncing priority mail
-Use label notifications to mash up filters, labels, and ringtones
-Remember ‘Show Pictures’ for senders
-Turn off sticky message actions in landscape or all orientations
-Better TalkBack support for accessibility
-Performance improvements

All those updates have helped a lot of people do a lot more with their GMail accounts on their devices. Good work Google. Now it is theme time! Courtesy of B-Boy and ecsnead69 over at RootzWiki, we already have the blacked out version available to install. Take a look below at some screen shots of the new themed out app –

Full instruction and the APK can be found at ecsnead69’s original post on Rootzwiki. Hope you all enjoy this one.

P.S. No I was not watching iCarly, my kids were.

Source: RootzWikiÂ