
Google Nexus S Android 2.3.4 Update. Why wait for your OTA!

User Metridom on XDA has compiled a list of the known updates that will get your Google Nexus S upgraded to Android 2.3.4 right now without waiting for your OTA update to hit.  He’s been compiling a list from different sources and shows what version of what device can currently apply the update.

You can head to to his XDA thread and give your info if you’ve done the upgrade.  As he gets feedback, he is updating the OP in his thread to keep everyone up to date!

If you successfully apply the update to your device, be sure to give your info back to his thread so he can keep updating the information.


Here’s what he currently has:

It’s a little confusing with all the updates going on, so i’ve scavenged all the threads and collected a list of tested updates and with which variant they will work. I will keep this updated as the days go by. If you have applied an update successfully, please let me know.

Possible issues preventing update:
Rooting the phone will *not* prevent the update from going through. Though it *will* remove root access
Custom Kernel and/or any third party ROM will prevent the update
Modified Boot Animation will prevent the update
CWM – Jury is still out on whether this will prevent the updates.

Model: i9020T, i9023
Build: GRI40 (down/up grade to GRI40 can be found here )
Baseband: KB1

Originally found:….php?t=1055591

Direct Download link:…

Model: i9023
Baseband: unknown (will not work with KB3)
Build: GRI54

Originally found:…1055825&page=2
Direct Download Link:…rect_counter=1

Still missing working OTA’s for:

i9020A: GRI54, KB2
i9023: GRI54, KB3
i9020T: GRI54, KB3
i9020T: GRH78C, JK8
i9020T: GRH78, JK8

If your model/build/baseband is not listed here, please let me know.

I’m sure we’ll see the new Gingerbread build appearing in other ROMs very soon and we already know that the CyanogenMOD team has it running on some test devices and they are busy integrating the latest source from AOSP.

Happy updating people and be sure to let us know how it goes and how the video chat is working!