
Google Translate with Word Lens is now official, rolling out over the next few days

It was about a month ago when we first got wind of a possible Google Translate with Word Lens union, and now Google has made that marriage official. On their blog today, Google has detailed just what Google Translate with Word Lens on Android and iOS is going to be capable of, and it looks like it’s going to be every bit as impressive as we were led to believe.

Google Translate with Word LensThe Word Lens part of the equation is going to allow users to translate foreign text before their eyes into the language of their choice by pointing their camera at the text in question – the neat gif above shows the magic in situ.

Google Translate with Word LensThe other major feature that Google has implemented in the new Google Translate is an improved conversations feature, which will allow two people speaking different languages to converse in a much more natural, free-flowing manner. And considering half a billion people use Google Translate every month, this is a feature that will make the app a must-have for any trips overseas.

Google says that this version of Google Translate will start rolling on Android over the next few days, so keep your eyes peeled. What do you think about this new-and-improved Google Translate with Word Lens? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Google Official Blog