
[Quick Look] Can You Drive?

Ever been out on the town, had a few cocktails and wondered how bad off you actually are? I’m many of us have flirted with the idea of driving after a few drinks or have. With the recent crackdowns by law enforcement agencies not to mention the many possible accidents that could happen it’s usually a better idea just to take a cab of designate a driver. For those that push the limits there’s now an application that allows you to estimate your BAC (blood alcohol content) by factoring in your gender and weight and making calculations based on the beverages you consume.

Results are obtained by considering the amount of a particular alcohol or mix a of a few which then yields a recommendation on whether or not you should risk driving. The app allows you to add your own cocktails while also featuring a wide variety of some of the more popular ones. US and metric units are supported and Facebook integration has also been added.


We’ve added a new app to the market – Can You Drive?

The app helps you to decide whether you can drive your car legally.

It contains a database of drinks (390 items), that includes all the popular drinks you know.

The program recognizes your general location, and adjusts itself to the local law in your country.

You can also add custom drinks(and take their photos) and see what else you can drink before reaching the alcohol limit.You may also create cocktails and mixes – simply enter the ingredients and the app will calculate your cocktail’s alcohol content.

Facebook integration is included as well.

The app supports both US and Metric units.

The app uses the Widmark’s Formula for it’s calculations. The results shown are of course a recommendation, and are supposed to give you general indication.You should not drink and drive.

We would really like to hear some feedback.

While it’s never advised to drink and drive in the first place, it’s always better to be safe if you do. The results yielded may not be scientifically accurate when considering other variables, but they seek to give you a general idea. If you’re interested in taking this app for a spin swing by the Andorid Market via the links below. Be sure to let the developer know what you think, as always we’re curious to know as well.

Summary and Downloads:

Application: Can You Drive?
Developer: GoFirst
Cost: FREE