
Swype updated for its beta team

If you were one of the lucky few to get in on the Swype beta action, then you probably received an email notifying you of the update available for Swype. The changelog for the updated version is as follows:

–Changes in this version of Swype–

  • Added German and Portuguese languages
  • Added the auto-space suppression short-cut gesture: Swype from the spacebar to backspace
  • Added the quick language switch short-cut gesture: Swype from the Swype Key to the Q key
  • Improved the word prediction algorithm to provide better support for additional languages
  • Improved handling of several gesture collisions, including want/wasn’t, to/too and others
  • The Android IME no longer sometimes hangs/crashes when Swype scrapes the user’s address book for dictionary entries
  • Tips and help menus now accessible when a password field is active
  • Backspace now works in applications which use raw key input instead of an editable text field (e.g. terminal emulator)
  • The single character “i” is no longer incorrectly auto-capitalized in non-English languages (reported by many of you!)
  • Tons of other minor bug-fixes, including many device-specific issues

The current version of Swype expires in the next couple of days so we recommend you update your current version. If you are part of the Swype beta team and haven’t received your email, click HERE via your phone to download the latest version of Swype to your device. (you’ll need your email and password)

Click here for step-by-step installation instructions

If you have any installation issues, click here to read the beta FAQ

Which virtual keyboard do you like the best?

Via: Droid-Life