
The Apple Mafia Throws its Weight Around Some More in Europe

If you can’t make a product people want to buy, why not force the competition out of the country and give the people only one choice. That seems to be Apples approach lately. They have already managed to stop sales of the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 in many parts of Europe. Now they have moved on with their mob tactics and are try to strong arm the Motorola XOOM out. In the same filing that halted sales for Samsung, the XOOM was also named. Apple has filed with the same court that sided with them against the Tab 10.1, claiming the XOOM is infringing on Apple’s hardware designs.

I can see that being legit, I mean the XOOM has a screen and is rectangular. If you (Apple) can’t make a product people actually want to buy on their own, maybe you should go back to the drawing board. This isn’t civil anymore, it is a modern day mafia. Keep it up Apple, you may just be able to strong arm the competition out of the market and maybe sell some iPads again.

Source: Eurodroid