
Trojan Horse Finds Its Way to Android

A Trojan virus currently named Gemini has found its way onto our Android devices in China, at least that is what’s being reported all over the web. Apparently the antivirus Android application, Lookout, was the firm that identified it.

This could be the first “botnet-like capable” Android malware ever created and unleashed in the wild. It has the ability to connect your device to a remote server and essentially allow someone else control of your device. Once your device is infected, Gemini can send out your location, transmit device information, and even download apps to your device prompting you to install them. They say they have even observed it sending a list of your installed apps to an outside server.

Gemini currently appears to sneak its way in by grafting on to legitimate applications, primarily games, that are download through third party app stores. When you are installing the app it will then ask for a whole slew of  access to your device. Since I know a lot of users are like me, I just hit the OK button to get the install going. Since this is reportedly coming from third party app stores, I would recommend you stick to Google’s Android Market from now on.

Here’s what I don’t get though. Why do people do this? Is it boredom? Lack of anything better to do? Why can’t people that have the talent to do this garbage put it to good use instead of evil? People that hack sites and build Trojan malware and anything else harmful, get a life! Just my 2cents.

Source: digitaltrends