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  • 21 April, 2013

Ubuntu Touch Builds have a new Base, 13.04!

For those of you out there on the absolute bleeding edge, who also own Nexus devices, Ubuntu Touch Daily Builds are now based on the next update to Ubuntu, 13.04.

13.04, named Raring Ringtail, is currently in the final stages of beta testing, before going live next week for desktops.  So far Ubuntu Touch has been a little behind on the version numbers, and this should see it being brought up to date.

The end game is to have Ubuntu Touch ready for mainstream use on mobile phones by October, to coincide with the release of Ubuntu 13.10.  If this is true, then the team have a lot of work cut out for them, as the current Daily Builds don’t have anywhere near enough polish, or stability, to go mainstream yet.

While I look forward to seeing a mobile platform based on Ubuntu, I wonder how well it will be able to compete with Android?

Source: Phonearena.com