
32GB Nexus 9 in Sand color makes its debut on the Play Store

Everyone likes choices. We like choices in the apps we use, storage size, screen size and even in device color. Physical device color, while possibly a small aspect to consider when choosing to spend your money, it is still a choice you get to make. until today your color choices for the Nexus 9 tablet were a limited. We all knew the Sand color offering was coming, but when was an unknown. That is no longer the case as Google has released the Nexus 9 in Sand for all to purchase via the Play Store.

There isn’t anything remarkably different about it other than the slight color change on the back of the tablet. Still, it does give you a sense of pride having a color variant that is different from everyone else who jumped on board in the traditional white or black offerings. Your only purchase option though is 32GB and Wi-Fi only. Another minor complication is that it appears to not be available in Canada. At least not according to AndroidCentral at the time I posted this.

Head over to the Play Store and be prepared to drop $479 prior to tax and shipping.