
Android 4.4.2 for HTC One arrives in the hands of French carrier SFR, rolls out in February

android 4.4.2 for htc oneHTC One owners have been patiently waiting for their update to Android KitKat for some time now, buoyed by the release of Android 4.4.2 for the Google Play edition of their device, but to no avail as the airwaves went silent over the Holiday Season. Thankfully, the airwaves are starting up again as French carrier, SFR, has gone on record saying that Android 4.4.2 for HTC One has arrived in their hands, but won’t be rolling out till the first half of February.

This is mostly in line, give or take a week, with the promise that HTC made when Android 4.4 KitKat was first announced which was that the HTC One would receive Android 4.4 within 90 days of the announcement. Obviously, this won’t be completely successful unless the roll-out is completed on a global scale but it looks like it will be a colossal effort if HTC is going to roll out the update within the 90 days, though perhaps we should be giving HTC a break seeing as it’s gone through so much the last few months.

Despite their financial toils, do you have more faith in HTC now that they have delivered Android 4.4.2 for HTC One as they promised? Let us know what you think.

Source: SFR via Android Ice Cream Sandwich