
Google Earth Debuts On Android

Google released today yet another one of their home brewed apps “Google Earth” into the Android Market place. This application is very much like the desktop version of Google Earth, with zoom from space to any place on earth. The bonus features of the Android application is integration of Google Maps layers, such as Places, Wikipedia, Businesses, Panoramic, Roads, Borders and Labels, and Terrain (no buzz yet for you buzz crazy people). Also you can use GPS, to find your direct location, and like in Google Maps you can follow yourself as you walk or drive along. The application itself is only 5.72 MB so be sure to head on over to the market to download, and play with it for yourself.

Oh, by the way there is multitouch included in the application. Expect a full review to come from our team later today.

For those of you with 1.5 or 1.6, you won’t see this in the market just yet. From what we’ve heard the application on seems to be showing up for Nexus One owners in the market. We’ll keep you updated.

QR code for Google Earth (scan to download):