
Google’s photo editing app, Snapseed, gets updated to v2.0

Google has this really great on the go mobile photo editing tool that offers a ton of photo editing options and is free to boot. Snapseed was released originally back in December 2012 by Nik Software. The next big update to the app was released 10 months later in October of 2013 when it got integrated with Google and G+. Since then there hasn’t been a major change to the app. However, today is a new day and the photo editing app is getting a bit of a refresh with some new and useful editing tools.

Snapseed APK download


• New tools including Lens Blur, Tonal Contrast, intelligent perspective Transform, and Spot Healing

• Selectively apply filters and effects to parts of the image using the Brush tool

• Non-destructive editing via Stacks allows you to re-edit or undo any change. You can also copy edits from one image to another

Not to mention a new visual look that brings a bit more material design styling to play. The app is free in the Play Store, and the update is rolling out now. You can go grab it at your earliest convenience. If you aren’t seeing the update just yet, you can grab it on Gappsearly also.

Source: Nils G+ via AndroidPolice