
Hero_Over CyanogenMOD BakedGoods 1.1 full of features For Nexus One

Hero_Over has released an modified CyanogenMOD with his his tweaks and optimizations for your HTC / Google Nexus One.  The last update was 3/13/2010.  You can now get a high speed direct download directly from AndroidStory.

BakedGoods 1.1:
-added trackball succession (never miss a notification again)
-created script to replace modded launcher 2 with stock (type su in terminal and then type (ignore error and press home)
-added some apns (if you want your apn in there send me a pm request)
-click trackball to unlock phone (thanks metalhead) (go to settings>sound&display to enable
-click trackball to skip song (metalhead)
-battery meter now shows estimated percentage w/o draining battery
-removed some wallpapers and tones for space
-added updated spareparts
-added wireless tether for root users
-went back to stock browser icon
-rotate on stock launcher
-stock launcher will fc when missing wallpaper is chosen (fix will be in next release)
-more i must be forgetting

Head over to Hero_Over’s AndroidStory Developer Homepage for more information and downloads.