Motorola Motoroi is bound for T-Mobile
TmoNews is reporting that the Motorola Motoroi, otherwise known as the Sholes Tablet, or the tumor-looking South Korean only phone, is destined to join T-Mobile’s line...
Nexus One plays nice
If you have the Nexus One then you know about the cool new feature brought on board to the Android Os. That of course is Voice...
Hero_Over back in the mix with eclairOG Verion 1.1.2. Lots of features.
Hero_Over has jumped back into the ROM development scene with the release of a new Android 2.1 ROM call eclairOG. Version 1.1.2 sounds like it has...
Benbuchacher Super “E” ROM moves up to Eclair – Now released.
Benbuchacher has started down the Eclair route with his new Super “E” ROM version 1.0. His change log doesn’t say much, but expect great things from...
911 or data? Rogers says 911
All I can do at this point is shake my head… It sounds like this insanely odd (and ridiculously drawn out) 911 issue for Rogers’ HTC...
Swype Virtual Keyboard Beta for Android now supports HVGA
Back in December, we reported on the Swype Virtual Keyboard for Android Devices and included installation instructions for you to get the app installed. At that...
Free Android for “some” GDC attendees
Sweet! Google and the GDC want everyone on the Android train and they’re getting it done with free phones. Some attendees of the GDC this March...
ctso Intension-v1.2.1 – AOSP 2.1 ROM with Voice Input
ctso over ton XDA has released a new ROM that supports the Voice Input features of Android 2.1’s virtual keyboard. This ROM has been around for...
KiNgxKxOveR AOSP 2.0.1/2.1 Blend Screen Shots
The usual testing has allowed me to take plenty of screens shots of Kingklick’s new KiNgxKxOveR AOSP 2.0.1/2.1 Blend ROM. Head over to Kingklick’s AndroidStory Developer...
Mystery Screenshot…real or not?
Hey…that rhymed 😛 Anyway, courtesy of Boy Genius Report, here it is: Yes, the Model says HTC Supersonic and yes, the Firmware says 3.0. I’ll be...
KingKlick KiNgxKxOveR AOSP 2.0.1/2.1 Blend v0.9 Released
KingKlick has release his new Eclair 2.0.1/2.1 ROM at version 0.9 designed to run on the HTC Dream / T-Mobile G1 / T-Mobile MyTouch. You can find...
Droid Car Mount Review
 After searching for a good car mount for my Droid, I decided to go with the Motorola Car Mount for Droid. After all it is...
Benbuchacher Super “D” version 1.6.6 Experimental Released
Benbuchacher has released an update to his Super “D” ROM now at version 1.6.6 Experimental. There iosn’t much information in his changelog except that he has built...
MyTouch V1.2 first images out
TmoNews got the first images of the new MyTouch V1.2 (hehe, sorry this makes me giggle). As reported and shown, the only visual difference is the...
First images of the Gigabyte GSmart Android phone
Gigabyte GSmart Android phone
Oh Boy, A Nexus One gadget for sale soon!
An Engadget reader captured this Google ad on YouTube for a Nexus One dock. Could this be the same Nexus One desktop dock that was spotted...
Cyanogen does it again, multitouch browser hits Nexus One.
With the recent release of the ASOP 2.1 code, Cyanogen has diligently worked on getting a new ROM out for the Nexus One. His ROM may...
ViewSonic VTablet 101
Today Viewsonic announced the VTablet 101 in Beijing. The launch price is said to be 3000 Yuan approximately $437.60. Specs Processor: 1GHz ARM Graphics Card: NVIDIA...
Google and Apple still going (at it)
Each day brings us more news updates on war between Google and Apple. As you have read in my article before the competition between the “Big...