
Qualcomm Safeswitch Technology will equip the Snapdragon 810 with a remote killswitch

Losing a device or having it stolen is never a pleasant experience. The inherent value of the device isn’t even the worst of it – it’s the information that’s on the device that is most valuable to us these days. It’s been this area that mobile companies have started investing effort it, the help salvage or disable devices after they fall in the wrong hands, but probably the most foolproof way of ensuring this is to have a hardware solution. This is where Qualcomm Safeswitch Technology comes in, something that Qualcomm has introduced for the Snapdragon 810 processor

Qualcomm Safeswitch Technology allows you the ability to set passwords and to erase and recover your data, and it allows you to lock and disable the device so that it is useless for anyone trying to get into it, or sell it. The aforementioned killswitch feature is much more effective in Qualcomm’s iteration of the technology because it is hardware-based, allowing it to affect the boot sequence of the device, rendering it unresponsive. That sounds like the best case scenario is your device goes missing or is stolen, so we hope Qualcomm makes this kind of technology standard across all their chipsets.

What do you think about Qualcomm Safeswitch Technology? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Qualcomm via Phone Arena